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在 Keysborough Gardens 小學,我們以學生為中心,設計我們所有的教學和學習機會。我們渴望所有學生都能成為學習者並成長,並為終身學習開設自己的課程。我們希望我們的學生能夠掌控自己的學習,為他們的學習環境做出有目的的貢獻,並解決他們周圍世界中出現的問題。



Why We Teach


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At Keysborough Gardens Primary School we aim to develop life long learners who care for themselves, others and the community around them and actively contribute to a more sustainable and peaceful world.

Our vision is to ensure that every child is equipped with the knowledge, skills and capabilities  necessary to thrive in a rapidly changing and globally connected world.

在 Keysborough Gardens 小學於 2020 年 1 月開學後不久,PYP 框架和教學計劃的教學方法成為規劃和教學不可或缺的一部分。憑藉領導者和幾位對 PYP 經驗豐富的工作人員,申請成為國際文憑 (IB) 小學項目 (PYP) 的候選學校**在開學後不久就開始了,但由於 Covid-19 相關原因而延遲。這一過程在 2021 年恢復,學校於 2021 年 6 月正式被接受為 IB PYP 候選學校。

IB 世界學校擁有一個共同的理念——致力於通過提供具有共同強大願景的具有挑戰性的高質量國際教育項目來改善多元化和包容性學生社區的教學和學習。**


PYP 側重於作為探究者的整個孩子的發展,無論是在課堂上還是在外面的世界中。它是一個以六個具有全球意義的跨學科主題為指導的框架,利用來自 6 個學科領域(數學、語言、藝術、社會研究、科學和個人、社會和體育)的知識和技能以及跨學科技能進行探索,強烈強調探究。

PYP 足夠靈活以適應維多利亞課程的要求。  



  • 關注學生的學業、社交和情感健康

  • 鼓勵學生培養獨立性並對自己的學習負責

  • 支持學生努力了解世界並在其中舒適地運作

  • 幫助學生建立個人價值觀,以此作為國際意識發展和蓬勃發展的基礎。


IB 小學課程最顯著和顯著的特點是六個跨學科主題。這些主題為 IB 世界學校提供了將本地和全球問題納入課程的機會,並有效地讓學生“超越”學科領域的學習範圍。






















What We Teach
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Our students learn in a supportive and personalised school environment with access to a full and outstanding range of programs across all areas of the Victorian Curriculum. 

As an International Baccalaureate school, we use the PYP (Primary Years Programme) as a framework to guide and plan our teaching and learning. There is a strong focus on English, Mathematics and Science as well as developing higher order thinking skills, technology skills and creativity.  

Our students benefit from a full range of specialist programs including Visual Arts, Performing Arts, STEM, Physical Education and Chinese Mandarin. A range of extra-curricular activities are provided including school band, choirs, excursions, incursions and a wide range of lunchtime clubs.

IB PYP and Inquiry

(International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme)


In 2024 Keysborough Gardens Primary School proudly became an authorised International Baccalaureate (IB) World school, offering the Primary Years Programme.  IB schools share a common philosophy - a commitment to high quality, challenging international education.


Each year level inquires into each of the following six Transdiciplinary Themes:

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These Transdisciplinary Themes help teachers develop a program of inquiries - investigations into important ideas, identified by the school and requiring high level of involvement on the part of the students. 

These ideas relate to the world beyond the school and are an opportunity to incorporate local and global issues into the curriculum. As a result, students see the relevance of ideas and connect with them in an engaging and challenging way.

Students who learn in this way begin to reflect on their roles and responsibilities as learners and become actively involved in their education.

Other PYP language you will hear around our school is:


Specified Concepts

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 big ideas used to give direction to the learning in a unit

Learner Profile

Approaches to Learning

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a list of attributes we endeavour to foster in our students

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skills that students develop and apply across all learning areas

The PYP is flexible enough to accommodate the requirements of the Victorian Curriculum. 

Click through the images below to see what each level is learning over the year:



Year 1

Year 2

Year 3/4

Year 5/6

For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit 

The IB mission

The Curriculum



Systematic Synthetic Phonics is an evidence-based, structured approach to teach children to read. This method of reading helps children learn the relationships between sounds (phonemes) of spoken language and the letter symbols (graphemes) of the written language. Students have numerous opportunities to use their language skills to pursue personal interests in Social Sciences, Visual and Performing Arts, Literature, Technology, The Sciences, Mathematics and Additional Languages. Technology such as interactive whiteboards, iPads and computers complement and enhance our language programmes.



Mathematics is undertaken on a daily basis with focused sessions for the development of skills and knowledge in Number, Algebra, Measurement, Space, Statistics and Probability. The proficiency strands are developed through the hands-on application of mathematics skills and understandings using real life problem solving contexts with students collaborating in mixed ability groups.



English as an Additional Language (EAL) KGPS has a high number of students from an EAL background and explicit modelling of literacy and language skills are implemented. Students that are of an EAL background are assessed against the English as an Additional Language continuum which ensures that every student is catered for and their needs managed.

The Capabilities


The Victorian Curriculum F-10 includes four capabilities, which are a set of discrete knowledge and skills that can and should be taught explicitly in and through the learning areas. The capabilities are: -Critical and Creative Thinking -Ethical Capability -Intercultural Capability -Personal and Social Capability At KGPS we want our students to develop critical thinking skills where they understand thinking processes, and have the ability to manage and apply these in a variety of familiar and unfamiliar situations.



The Science curriculum provides students with understanding, knowledge and skills through which they can develop a scientific view of the world. Students are challenged to explore science, its concepts, nature and uses through clearly described inquiry processes. Science at KGPS is taught through inquiry into the PYP Transdisciplinary themes and explicitly where required.



The social, emotional and physical wellbeing of our students is vitally important. Students who are happy, healthy and resilient are better able to deal positively with life's challenges. Building and enhancing the students social and emotional wellbeing is an important aspect of our daily school activities. Our school values are explicitly taught through our 'Keysie Kids are Global Kids' positive behaviour framework.

Koorie Cultural Inclusion

We acknowledge and pay respect to Elders and all Victorian Aboriginal communities. We honour and respect Traditional Custodians, past and present, and value the rich culture and history of the First Peoples of this land. We aspire for success for every Koorie child in education, achieving their developmental potential and their ambitions for life. Throughout our school community, we celebrate the rich and thriving culture, knowledge and experience of our First Nations peoples to ensure that Koorie children and learners of all ages feel strong in their identity and achieve their learning aspirations.

Specialist Programs


Performing Arts

Performing Arts


Students are encouraged to be risk takers by expressing their creative ideas through dance, music and drama.  Activities include whole class ensemble activities, working in small groups or with a partner. There is a strong emphasis on performing to an audience and providing feedback to the performers from peers.


Physical Education

Physical Education

From Foundation - Year 2, our program's focus is on building fundamental movement skills required to be competent in a range of physical activities. The competencies of throwing, agility, jumping, catching, hitting, balance and coordination are promoted through fun-based games and practices that build engagement and participation.

As well as continued skill development, in Years 3-6 lessons become more sport-specific with students learning game rules, tactics and strategies. A great weight is also placed on teamwork and leadership. Students demonstrate their sportsmanship at regular school sporting events and inter-school sport in Year 6.

Visual Art



Our Visual Art program program is designed to spark creativity, provide opportunities for self-expression and foster open-mindedness as students study works by various significant artists. Students from Foundation to Year 6 explore many different art techniques using a wide range of mediums.


Student artwork is viewed and celebrated at Student-Led Conferences and our annual art show. At their graduation ceremony, each Year 6 graduating class reveals their 'legacy project' - a collaborative art installation that represents the mark they leave on our school.





Students are supported to be knowledgeable communicators through learning Mandarin Chinese. They learn to socialise, inform, create, translate, and inform in Chinese. Students explore Chinese vocabulary and sentence structures relevant to daily life, such as greetings and foods, through listening, speaking and writing in the language.

Students are supported to develop their intercultural capability. They investigate the influence of culture in shaping identity, heritage, values and beliefs. Encouraged to be open to new experiences and perspectives, students develop respect for diversity and difference.






In our STEM program, students from Foundation to Year 6 engage with an interdisciplinary curriculum that blends Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. 

Through hands-on experiments, design projects and digital creation, students learn to solve real-world problems with ingenuity and critical thinking. Through collaboration and reflective learning, our program empowers students with the 21st Century skills necessary to excel and innovate in the STEM field.

How We Teach


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Keysborough Gardens 小學採用協作方式進行規劃和教學。  

雖然課堂教師對他們年級的學生負責,但所有教師對他們級別的學生都有共同的責任。 Keysborough Gardens 小學的教師在靈活的教學空間工作,支持一系列團隊教學方法。  


在可能的情況下,英語和數學技能和理解與我們的探究單元相關聯 使兒童和教師能夠在所有人之間建立聯繫 學習領域。  


學生根據與維多利亞州教育課程等級相對應的年級分為四個學習社區:預科; 1 & 2; 3 & 4; 5 & 6。




我們認為,語言應該在上下文中教授,並涉及廣泛的領域,例如閱讀、寫作、觀看、向觀眾展示、非語言交流以及口語和聽力。學生有很多機會利用他們的語言技能來追求個人對社會科學、視覺和表演藝術、文學、技術、科學、數學和其他語言的興趣。交互式白板、iPad 和計算機等技術補充並增強了語言程序。




Keysborough Gardens PS 強調解決問題和基於探究的學習,因此在每個課堂上培養思維文化都很重要。我們通過對許多思維工具進行建模來做到這一點。其中的例子包括:KWL(你知道什麼?你想知道什麼?你學到了什麼?)、頭腦風暴、通過問他們“為什麼?”來促使學生提供他們思考的證據並進行推理。 “是什麼讓你這麼說?”,課堂爭論或辯論,學習日誌,提問技巧或模式 被反複使用。


學習增強計劃是對課堂計劃的補充。該計劃針對具有相似學術需求的學生群體。通過包括 NAPLAN 和教師判斷在內的各種收集數據來識別學生。 


課程的長度可以由學生的進步決定,但課程通常在 4 到 10 週之間運行。每週 1-3 次,每次約 30 分鐘,旨在強化、修改或擴展課堂學習目標。  

在一個學年的過程中,該計劃適用於所有級別,針對盡可能多的 KGPS 學生。  



教師在課堂上通過謹慎使用差異來滿足每個孩子的個性化需求。 KGPS 的教師非常擅長滿足所有學生的學習需求,包括那些工作 6 個月、12 個月或更長時間高於或低於預期成就水平的學生。 

個人學習計劃是為所有工作時間低於預期水平 12 個月、高於預期成就水平 18 個月的人制定的。  學生參與目標設定和對成功的反思。


  • 定期的家長/孩子教師會議

  • 如果需要,修改程序/家庭作業

  • 課堂上的一對一幫助

  • 學習促進計劃老師的支持和建議

  • 針對特定學習目標的差異化學習小組




  • (健康與)體育

  • 表演藝術

  • 視覺藝術

  • 語言 - 中文

  • (STEM) - 隨著學校的擴展


信息和通信技術 (ICT) 的使用貫穿整個課程。


Keysborough Gardens 小學通過創造對所有學生具有包容性和意義的教育環境和課程,將學生的福祉融入所有學習體驗中。學生的個人和社會問題被納入他們的日常學習經歷,並提供靈活、相關、包容和適當的課程來回應他們。  



*只有國際文憑組織授權的學校可以提供其四個學術課程中的任何一個:小學課程 (PYP)、中學課程 (MYP)、文憑課程或職業相關課程 (CP)。候選人身份不保證將授予授權。


Individual Needs

At Keysborough Primary School, teachers are highly skilled in catering to each child’s individual learning needs through careful differentiation and responsive teaching. This ensures all students receive the appropriate support and challenges to help them thrive.
Individual Education Plans (IEPs) are developed for students with specific learning needs, setting measurable and timely goals. These plans are created with input from both students and parents/carers to ensure a collaborative approach to the child’s progress.
Other student support approaches  include:

  • Regular parent/teacher/student meetings

  • Modified programs and homework, as needed

  • One-on-one assistance in the classroom

  • Guidance from the Learning Enhancement Program teacher and/or allied health providers

  • Differentiated learning groups focused on targeted learning goals

  • Adjustments to the learning environment, tasks, or resources to ensure an inclusive approach


Student Voice

At Keysborough Gardens Primary School, we believe in empowering students through voice, agency and leadership.


Across the school, students contribute to  the curriculum through an effective and authentic process of planning, feedback and deep reflection.


This enables students to make decisions about what and how they learn and actively contribute to the planning of their own learning, promoting meaningful student involvement.


Learning Enhancement


The Learning Enhancement Program complements the classroom program. It targets groups of students with similar academic needs. Students are identified through a variety of collected data, including NAPLAN and teacher judgement. 

These students may be working below, at or above expected levels. The length of the program can be determined by student progress, however the program generally runs for between 4 and 10 weeks. 

Sessions run for approximately 30 minutes, 1-3 times a week, with the aim to reinforce, revise or extend on classroom learning goals. Over the course of an academic year, the program works across all levels, targeting as many KGPS students as possible.

How We Measure Sucess


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給學生:針對所有學習和發展領域,及時、持續地提供有關當前學習和未來學習領域的反饋。  學生有機會反思他們的個人目標,收集證據以確定成就並設定新的目標來推動未來的學習。











  • 學生通過解釋他們的學習目標和進度來對自己的學習負責

  • 通過家長、學生和老師共同慶祝學生的成功發展家校合作關係

  • 通過溝通、自我評估和反思、組織和自信來發展現實生活中的技能和個人品質。



Feedback is given regularly by their teachers.  Students are provided the opportunity to reflect on their individual goals, gather evidence to ascertain achievement and set new ones to drive future learning.



Both informal and formal data is used to inform planning and teaching on both a short and longer-term basis.  Students are also involved in providing feedback to teachers.

Written reports 

Each semester parents/carers are provided with a written summary report that includes teacher judgements against the Victorian Curriculum Standards in the learning areas and capabilities that have been part of the teaching and learning program for that semester. 

Teachers also provide information about the student’s engagement and wellbeing so parents are fully informed in relation to the learning and development of the whole child. 


Student Led Conferences differ from the teacher-directed parent teacher interviews, in that the student is the one at the centre, actively involved in the learning and the reporting process. They take the form of a conversation primarily between the student and their parents with the teacher involved at times during the conference. 


The benefits of these conferences include:

  • Students take responsibility for their own learning by explaining their learning goals and their progress

  • The development of the home-school partnership; parents, students and teachers celebrating student’s success together

  • The development of real-life skills such as communication, self-evaluation, reflection, organisation and self-confidence

Extra Curricular



為了支持 KGPS 的學生參與和福祉,我們提供了廣泛的午餐俱樂部和活動。  



  • 樂高俱樂部:設計、建造、創造、實驗。  為學生準備 - 六

  • 藝術俱樂部:  嘗試摺紙、繪畫、繪畫、拼貼。  任何能激發你內在藝術家的東西。

  • 舞蹈俱樂部:一項有趣的午餐活動,可以學習一些很棒的動作並提高協調能力。

Enrichment clubs


合唱團:學校合唱團由 3 至 6 年級的學生組成。他們熱情地排練各種風格的音樂,曲目廣泛。合唱團在午餐時間排練,每週在學校集會以及歡迎野餐等學校活動中表演。曲目包括音樂劇、爵士樂和流行音樂中的歌曲。

校樂隊:校樂隊由 3 至 6 年級的學生組成。他們排練各種風格的音樂,曲目廣泛。樂隊每週二排練,每週在學校集會上表演。樂器包括木琴、吉他、鍵盤、鼓和尤克里裡琴。  

State Schools Spectacular:一年一度的維多利亞州立學校 Spectacular 計劃是維多利亞州政府中小學生的寶貴表演藝術機會。



All Year 6 students have the opportunity to develop their leadership skills through our Year 6 Leadership Program. Each student applies for a leadership role by submitting a written expression of interest and delivering a speech that highlights their leadership qualities and how they plan to contribute to the school and community.
Leadership roles include

  • School Captains

  • House Captains

  • Wellbeing Leaders

  • ICT Leaders

  • Environment Leaders

  • and more


Every Year 6 student takes on a leadership role, helping to build their self-esteem and confidence while developing essential life skills such as public speaking, collaboration, and creativity. This program is an integral part of fostering leadership and personal growth in our students as they prepare for secondary school and beyond.



學生代表委員會——三年級至六年級的學生被選為我們 SRC 團隊的一員。  這些學生通過領導力活動、學校活動和社區籌款為我們學校做出了寶貴貢獻。  



ICAS competition

Each year, students in Year 2-6 can choose to participate in the 'International Competitions and Assessments for Schools' (ICAS) which provides an objective, international assessment. ICAS has a variety of benefits for students, parents and schools. For students, the competition challenges them in ways unlike their regular school assessments, encourages them to perform at their highest possible standard and rewarding them for their achievements.

Victorian High-Ability Program

At KGPS we participate in the Victorian High-Ability Program (VHAP). This program enables high-ability students in Years 5-8, at all Victorian State Schools, to be challenged and extended in a supportive environment.



跑步俱樂部:健身健康,加入我們的跑步俱樂部。  這些課程是我們為學校越野活動和區域活動做準備的一部分。

奧斯基克:  KGPS 與當地足球俱樂部一起在放學後和周六 Auskick 課程中運行。  



At Keysborough Gardens Primary, we believe that camps play a vital role in the personal and social development of our students. Camps provide unique opportunities for children to develop independence, build self-esteem, strengthen relationships and work together as a team. Through a range of activities, students challenge themselves, explore new environments and create lasting memories with peers.

Year 2 Sleepover

Our camping program begins in Year 2 with an exciting sleepover at school. This one-night experience is designed to build confidence and independence by easing students into being away from home in a familiar and supportive environment. The Year 2 sleepover gives students a fun-filled evening of activities, games and a shared meal with friends and is a great first step in our broader camping program.

Year 3-6 Adventure Camps

From Year 3 to 6, our students take part in a two-night adventure camp. Each camp offers a variety of outdoor activities that encourage students to push their boundaries, whether it's hiking, team-building challenges or water-based activities. These camps help students develop resilience, problem-solving skills and strengthen the bonds between classmates. Our adventure camps are key to fostering a sense of responsibility, teamwork and a love for the outdoors.

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